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Join the Pack
Dog's Name(s)
Age & Breed(s)
Owner's Name(s)
Phone Number(s)
Emergency Contact (name & phone number of someone other than the dog's owners)
Vet Info
How would you describe your dog's personality? High energy or mellow? Does he/she like to play with other dogs or prefer to sniff and check things out?
Does your dog greet approaching dogs with ease or are there certain types of dogs your pup is uncomfortable with? Or does your dog get so excited by approaching dogs that he/she makes the other dogs uncomfortable?
How does your dog react to hikers, joggers or bikers on trail? How about small children?
Has your dog been exposed to horses? If so, how does he/she respond?
Has your dog ever bitten a person or animal?
Does your dog have any allergies that you know of?
Do you have any special instructions or additional information that you think might be helpful to us?
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